We’ll show you how to pick the perfect color scheme for your WordPress site using color psychology and one of four fantastic resources in this article. Your website’s colors are a reflection of your brand. Color customization in WordPress should be chosen to elicit a positive emotional response to your brand and products.
However, there is one minor but significant change you would like to make. You believe that changing the color scheme of your WordPress site would give it a more personal touch. We’ll show you a few different ways to adjust your WordPress colors, including how to do it in Qode Interactive’s premium WordPress theme, to make this process easier for you.
Using the Default Customize Option to Change Colors.
Using a Plugin to Change Colors
In Qode Themes, you can change the colors.
Using the Default Customize Option to Change Colors
Before we show you how to use the Customize option to change colors, it's important to note that these options are dependent on the theme you're using.
These are the steps to do the color customization in the WordPress website using the Customize Option. Choosing the suitable color scheme for your website with JThemes can increase its appeal and keep visitors on the site longer, increasing sales and conversions. Connect today with Jthemes Studio for further information.
Link: https://bit.ly/3rs8ja2