How to add a static HTML page to a WordPress website?

Add HTML page to WordPress Website

WordPress is a content management system as well as a website builder. This means you don’t have to build every page using the WordPress interface, even if your site is hosted on a premium WordPress theme. It’s completely OK to create a custom HTML page or take WordPress landing page templates from an earlier website and then import them into WordPress. Importing HTML files and pages can save you time while setting up your website or adding new, personalized content if you’re establishing or growing a WordPress website.

Upload an HTML File to WordPress

  1. Go to your Admin Dashboard and log in

  2. In the left sidebar, select ‘Posts’

  3. Create a New Post or Edit an Existing One

  4. Select ‘Add Block’ from the drop-down menu

  5. A ‘File’ block should be included

  6. Select an HTML file

For more information on how to manage WordPress websites, visit JThemes Studio. It’s time to modernize your website with Jthemes, premium WordPress theme HTML5, CSS3 Templates, which will help you convert more visitors into paying customers.



Jthemes Studio is known for applying it's never ending creative concepts in Theme Development from past 7 years. A Proud Elite Author in Themeforest with a Zeal to provide a NEW DIGITAL FACE to it's client.

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